services provided
Packaging Design
Art Direction
Digital Promotion
Social Content
"Great design talent and an innate ability to understand how we want things to look. We've worked together for years; the reason? Nephew always deliver."
Marc Baker, Head of Marketing, Visual Thinking.
Good Stores Guide celebrates the very best in global retail practice.

What's in-store?
Every year, Visual Thinking — a leading retail agency — compiles a list of the best retail stores from across the globe. Nephew worked closely with the Visual Thinking marketing team to compile the 2018 edition of the Good Stores Guide as well as the award packaging and digital marketing.

Awarding Excellence
Each retail store featured in the guide, received a prestigious award pack meant to celebrate their success. The pack included a custom-made award, covering letter congratulating the store, and a fold-out poster so winning stores could showcase their achievement to internal staff. All housed in a custom cut foam insert and contained in a minimalist carton with bespoke print.